
Sales Acceleration program

Our Sales Acceleration Program is designed to ensure a common knowledge platform for sales and business-driving activities within the organization. It provides new and experienced employees with the tools they need to streamline sales efforts, foster collaboration, and maximize business results.

The program is modular and teaches a consultative sales methodology through inspiring lectures, alternating with digital theory sessions with knowledge assessments and practical exercises linked to daily work.

information management acceleration program

Our Information Management (IM) Acceleration Program aims to establish a unified knowledge base for companies seeking to expand their software sales and consulting services within the IM domain.

In a time where technical expertise and business acumen are increasingly intertwined, many organizations face a challenge: a lack of competency that hinders growth and efficiency.

By combining theory with practical application, the program offers a module-based education that not only enhances the business acumen of the sales team but also sharpens the business strategic skills of consultants.

The participants are equipped with a consultative working method that transforms them into domain experts within IM, capable of driving sales forward, increasing customer satisfaction, and promoting profitability.

The benefits of a structured program  

Ensure quality

The program minimizes the learning curve for new employees, enhances productivity, and promotes long-term success.

Foster collaboration

The program promotes collaboration by establishing a common thread throughout the workflow. By sharing expertise and working methods, collaboration becomes more natural and efficient.

Value your time

The program entails significant time savings for the organization. Existing employees can focus on driving business instead of engaging in recurring training.

Increase sales

The program can lead to greater business success by enhancing employees' skills and efficiency, while also increasing their motivation and engagement.

What do our previous participants say about our programs?

”Hjälpte mig att skapa en struktur av befintlig kunskap och ny. Fick mig att ändra synen på olika företag samt att tänka långsiktigt. Se värdet att skapa inkomster över tid och inte stressa på.”

Business Process Manager

”Denna utbildning gav mig nya insikter och verktyg för att accelerera min försäljning och angripa kunden på nya sätt. Det har för min del varit den mest intressanta och mest givande utbildningen ja fått gå i mitt vuxna arbetsliv. Tar med mig nya kunskaper och boostad motivation till att göra fler roliga och bra affärer.”

Key Account Manager

”Väldigt mycket matnyttig information som var nyheter för mig. Många bra tips och tillvägagångssätt inom IM-försäljning. Lagom tidskrävande”

Account Manager

"This particular training has given me more than all the other training sessions the company has had since I started 10 years ago."

Senior Key Account Manager

"After completing all modules, I have taken away many lessons, both theoretically and practically, that ACTUALLY have value in my daily work. Peter, you're awesome!"

Pre-Sale Consultant

"Very rewarding and a great sales training; personally, I wish I had the opportunity to attend it about 20 years ago when I was fairly new to sales."

Key Account Manager

"A much more concrete training focusing on a successful approach tailored to a salesperson's reality. This is unlike other product-oriented training sessions we've had before."

Solutions Account Manager

"Very good and inspiring course, several 'aha' moments despite having many years in the industry!"

Senior Key Account Manager

”I utbildningen lärde vi oss om vad som krävs för att bli en duktig affärsman. Det som jag vill lyfta fram är att utbildningen var som en workshop. Vi fick göra tester, diskutera i grupper och fick även höra om olika scenarier som kan uppstå under en försäljningsprocess…Utbildningen får högsta betyg. Detta är den bästa säljutbildningen som jag har deltagit på.”

Account Manager

”Modul 6 var briljant. Överlag väldigt bra ämnen och utförande. Kan se ett värde i att även gå in djupare i nykundsprocessen mot stora företag som vi pratade om igår. Tror att man behöver vara mycket träffsäkrare än förr för att få till de mötena. ”

Key Account Manager

”Jag vill rekommendera Peter Jankevics till säljfokuserade organisationer som vill öka sin försäljning och ROI på sina anställda. Under ett antal tillfällen fick jag och mina kollegor lära oss från steg 1 till slutskedet när det kommer till att bedriva en mer komplex försäljning. Samt varför man ska att ha en struktur, prioritera sin tid rätt och självklart även hur man kan påverka sitt lönekuvert. Kursen var både nyttig till dem som har varit hos oss under längre tid men även dem nya kollegorna. Stort tack Peter, hoppas vi får ha tillbaka dig inom snart framtid igen”

Account Manager

"Great content ranging from understanding how a company is structured to what drives a buyer to make a deal."

Pre-Sales Consultant

Peter's passionate commitment to the subject and well-prepared material make the course interesting and relevant.

Sales Manager

"Great training with small tests between sessions that make you aware of the need to listen and participate in the training."

Key Account Manager

"Impressed by the knowledge and drive that you share!"

Account Manager

"A great class, with a lot of information. Something one can use in their sales work with little implementation time."

Account Manager

"Inspirational and valuable content from someone who has real experience in what we do during the day."

Sales Manager

"Simple and understandable for an ordinary person, even with many years of experience, one can always learn something new and be reminded of things that are forgotten."

Key Account Manager

"Great and clear training that teaches valuable insights."

Key Account Manager

"Personally, I appreciated steps 3-6 the most as they were the ones I needed the most guidance in. It was a good training, well done!"

Key Account Manager

About us


Our onboarding and training programs have been developed by Peter Jankevics, who, with a successful career in the IT industry, has experienced most of the challenges one can encounter when selling products and services, leading a company, developing a team, transforming new colleagues into productive employees, or inspiring experienced colleagues to apply new strategies, all while maintaining responsibility for results.

It's easy to fall into prioritizations where one thing takes precedence over another, which can quickly lead to problems.

Our programs are designed to address this issue and ensure that one doesn't have to compromise either the onboarding process, individual development, or the results in business operations.

Therefore, we have developed training programs suitable for companies that conduct consultative sales processes, where the focus is on creating customer value rather than selling based on price.

Through a combination of inspiring lectures, practical theory, and realistic tasks, we will focus participants on developing their and the company's sales pipeline. 

With performance as the focus and knowledge in place, the result will increase
